The relevant professions in the next 10 years


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As long as our society always changes, we can see how many professions become irrelevant and how many go through the progress and reach the top level. Nowadays, young people are trying to choose professions that will be relevant in the next 10 years.Let us find out more.

The relevant professions in the next decade

In the next 10 years, representatives of the following professions will be in demand on the labor market:

  1. Engineers – this no longer sounds paradoxical: there is an acute shortage of qualified technical specialists already now. Engineers-electricians, engineers-technologists will be required even more in 5-10 years – according to forecasts, in 7-8 years about 70% of engineers will retire, and replacement will come only in an amount of 5-10% of the required number of specialists.
  2. Medics – the demand for nurses and gerontologists is projected, this is due to the increase in life expectancy and, consequently, the increase in the number of elderly people. Also need qualified professionals (ophthalmologists, dentists, allergists), truly valuable from a professional point of view, the staff will receive a high-paying job in medical centers.
  3. A specialist in the extraction of hard-to-reach reserves of oil – there are many explored deposits on the planet, but there is a problem with the extraction of “black gold”. Oil workers of the future will have to deal with deposits in the shelf, oil sands and other non-standard situations.
  4. IT professionals – in the next decade will actively develop the Internet and everything related to it. Without problems, not only coders, but also representatives of a narrow field of activity, for example – SMM-specialists that can handle also coursework writing
  5. Risk manager – the economic crisis demonstrated that significant the company, which was not, incurred losses spent on staff experts in assessing distressed assets. In other words, people will be required who will be able to analyze the activities of the enterprise and the organization and to point out to the management the high risk of certain transactions and transactions.
  6. Breeders, specialists in genetic engineering. The population of the planet is growing steadily, nutrition is required more and more. The price will be professionals who will be able to bring out fundamentally new varieties of plants that can quickly solve the food problem in developing countries.
  7. The Urbanists, specialists in the development of new territories – an increase in the number of inhabitants of the world will require the development of new lands, construction of infrastructure, transport interchanges, etc.
  8. Experts on the development of alternative energy – declining explored reserves of oil and gas will push humanity to search for and actively use non-traditional energy. Many developments already exist; the problem is how to achieve a high level of efficiency of their use.
  9. Ecologists – together with the growing population the number of industrial enterprises increases, and most of them significantly harm the environment. This means that a good ecologist will not be left without work in the coming decades, as concern for the environment will turn into the primary task of many states.
  10. Experts on national and religious conflicts – this exotic profession can gain popularity and public funding because of the growing number of confrontations due to religious, national and political views. It is quite possible that whole corporations with state funding will be created that will investigate the causes of the emergence of strife, prepare delegates for the constructive resolution of disputes between people.

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